Age of GuARdiANs
1-5 Giugno 2022partiCipate and sign up
- In order to participate to an event, please fill out the registration form: it will allow you to give us your In Game and Out Game data, as well as receiving the details about the participation quota and the payment methods.
- In Game data may include the House you will fight for, the name of your In Game group, your Gardens and Alchemical Lab (if you have them) or your Fire Points.
- Out Game data may include your personal information, an email address and phone number to contact you, as well as your consent if you are underage.
- ATTENTION: to participate in Age of Guardians (June 2022) you must show a negative covid test from the last 24 hours, tested in a pharmacy; if you arrive on June 1st, you can do it from 11.00 to 19.00 with our medical staff directly at the event, at a cost of 10 €; you can book this service by clicking .
Rule set
- Fair play and security are the fundamentals of this hobby, and the rules themselves are there to make certain actions doable in a simple and direct way: if everybody follows them, everybody will have a pleasant and safe experience.
- The following chapters will explain how to build your character, the safety rules and the combat guidelines. But not only that: you will find all there is to know about spells, potions, enchanted gear… and much much more, for playing and living the world of Vilegis to its fullest. Please note that some of the most complex dynamics, that require more than one event to be mastered, have not yet been translated… but they soon will be.
- Just remember this is a game, and its goal is for everybody to be entertained, and to entertain the players around. This way, we will create a great, big story written by all of us.
arriving at Vilegis
- Once arrived to the location, you will have to follow different paths, depending on the time of your arrival (if before or after the Time In, in order to avoid interfering with the game).
eat & sleep
- Inside In Game area, only adequately scenographic tents will be accepted. Too modern scenographies (like gazebos), that may ruin the aesthetics, will have to be removed from the In Game Area (you may set them up in the Out Game area if you wish).
- Another important reminder: at the end of the event, leave the area as you found it: no holes, dirt, abandoned materials, and the like.
- It will be possible to cook your own food. Check the Security section of the Game Handbook for further details.
- You can rent your own chemical bathroom. Contact us for prices and details.
our idea
- Battle for Vilegis is the biggest LARP event in Italy: our meetings are four or five days long, assuring a full immersion in the world of Vilegis, due to the stories that you will live, the amazing structures, the battles, but most of all thanks to all the realities that give life to our events.
- The story of Battle for Vilegis unwraps into the events, that may see up to 1400 players battle among each other with every mean at their disposal: the goal is Vilegis, the Crossroad of all Worlds. The context is for several types of play: from the pen to the sword, and everything in between. During our events the game never stops, 24 hours a day from the Time In to the Time Out. From battles to explorations, from sieges to rituals, to missions and intrigues of all kind: every player chooses how to face their day and to write their story.
- This is an open setting: you can select your world of origin following your ideas: you can use already existing settings, as well as ones of your creations, as long as they fit with our visual context (medieval fantasy).
- Battle for Vilegis is based on two principles: the interaction between players, and the challenges that they face. Whatever will be your goal (power, fame, or wealth) you will always meet those two principles. The challanges we offer are open to everyone, but you and the other players will decide what you will get: in good or bad, every action opens, closes, and intertwines with other… all of them, decided by other players like you. The game does not gift you anything, but allows you to conquer everything!
contact us
- If you have any questions, contact us using the form below or directly on our Facebook page.
- Other that contacting us, you may find other information contacting your House companions, making new friends in the process. You will find their Facebook groups on our website, as well as their private channels on our Discord server.